- I’ve sold a mystery story to Woman’s World. It stars two of my best friends as detectives solving a case of arson in a small town. If you want to check it out it should be on the stands December 19.
- I will be giving two talks at Hal-Con, one at 4:15 on Friday Nov., 8th on Manga Editing, and another on Saturday with the very talented Jennifer Young on SF/F Short Story Writing and Publishing. If you’re going to the con please come and laugh loudly at all my jokes.
- My story, ‘You First Meet the Devil at A Church Fete,’ has been translated into Italian and will be released as part of an anthology featuring various award-winning stories. It goes on sale October 31st, so if you can read Italian and like SF/F consider picking up a copy of Enchanted Worlds (featuring my story ‘The First Time You Meet Him in a Parrish,’ as charmingly translated by Google).
- I’ve signed up to be a Municipal Liaison for NaNoWriMo. If you live in the HRM (and if you do you know what I’m talking about) and are thinking of participating in National Novel Writing Month, check out the regional section of the NaNo forums to see what we’re up too.

My Life in Bullet Points
Posted on: October 23rd, 2013 by Shannon Fay No Comments